It seems there's a lot customers can do to ensure home security but nothing ever seems to be enough. So, we might want to rephrase the question and ask ourselves whether we are doing the right things and at the right time. Security does not start and finish at your front door. It involves tens of different steps in order to keep potential intruders out of your house and to discourage them from even consider approaching your property. From thief deterrents to proper lock repair, getting the right bolts and taking the right decisions, everything is crucial. The basis of every home's security is the quality of the bolts, the frequency of their maintenance, whether they are repaired on time, and proper lock installation.
When you think about security, don't get limited to front door needs but also think of all locks at the windows, sliding doors, back doors, and definitely the perimeter of the house. This is where it all begins. Intruders want a few things from you. They desire privacy so they can work in peace, easy locking systems so they won't have a hard time getting in, and since they want to get in and out quickly, it would be nice if there weren't any extra security systems. So, make a list. Note down whether the perimeter of your house is illuminated well, if there are good bolts and not simple door locksets in all entry points, a proper working alarm system, and the last time locks were changed.
Important things to consider and do:
* Security alarm systems drive intruders away. Homes with solid alarm systems have sixty percent less possibilities to be hit by perpetrators
* Deadbolt installation is more successful when you get at least grade 2 security bolts with at least one inch throw. Also pay attention to the quality of strike plates. They must be mounted with multiple, long screws or might be susceptible to kick-ins
* Make sure sliding glass doors have quality rod bolts and French doors have multiple points of locking contact. It's also important to have impact resistant glass
* Have the locks replaced and make sure the task is done correctly. Getting the exact same lock is not a bad idea if it's good. Customers just have to remove the lock by unscrewing the doorknob and the latch from the side of the door and place the new one. Though, it's also a smart idea to purchase bolts of the latest generation even if it requires making new holes and their installation would be harder.